Friday, January 19, 2007

Corporate Rock

Everything is slowing down a little, and I am finding that my brain can once again produce coherent thoughts. I have grown a bit weary of giving lessons about the importance of time management and globalization, so I have begun creating some original materials. I tried to give a lesson based on Weezer's "No One Else" today, but the computer in the conference room wouldn't read my CD. The IT guy claimed that it had something to do with the speed it was written at, but I am pretty certain that these corporate machines just can't handle the rock that I would like to unleash on them. I am going to test the water with this lesson, and if it works well, perhaps the guitar will be making an appearance soon. I am finding it extremely difficult to decide on songs that I like and can play/sing which will be useful and appropriate in this setting.

I have now had 28 scheduled classes and taught 17 of them. This is not as great as it might sound, however, as I was often already out in Santa Fe (which can take about an hour and a half on pesero) when I was told a class was cancelled. Santa Fe is very shiny, but there is not much to do there and everything is really expensive. This is where I spend my Tuesdays and Thursdays. My Santa Fe morning students came through for me and got me on the company's private bus which is comfortable enough to sleep on. This pleases me enormously.

My two most common answers to students' questions seem to be "because English is stupid" and "because England is stupid." I don't really have anything personal against England, and I don't know if anyone from England reads this anyway, but it would be a lot easier if we could come to some sort of an agreement on which preposition we should use to talk about what we like to do on/at the weekend. I know you spoke English there first, but "at the weekend?" I think I'm going to invite some people from England to read this just to piss them off. And for the record... Well, I think that is settled.

I really like where I live. I have a nice, big, sunny room, though after taking this picture I recognize the glaring need for something to be put on that wall. It feels completely safe to walk here at night, and I am close to supermarkets, transportation, and some other fun areas of town. I have started cooking a lot, and giant tubs of yogurt have replace cereal as my breakfast of choice, as I am not brave enough to give the milk here another shot.

I am a little disappointed that I missed the Great Ice Storm of 2007 in Austin. I can't remember the city ever shutting down for three days in a row. Snow days are awesome. I considered just taking the three days off here. I feel like that would have been okay. Most of my classes got cancelled anyway.


Anonymous said...

Brian Tweedy says "hi"

Anonymous said...

mesican milk is nast. when we were kids, we always ate the DANONINO's for b-fast. you should check them out. but the mesican cheese is quite tasty.


Anonymous said...

ate=eat. my bad. enjoy your mesican adventures.