Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Too Tired for Titles

Tired, yes, but still managing alliteration. I am no longer homeless! I now live in a beautiful 1940's apartment in Colonia Del Valle. I live with a man named Alvaro who is older but is very chill, and we get along well. Irene lives about ten minutes down the street in a house with seven other people from various parts of the world. It is all very chill. I also met a German guy while living in the hostel who just moved into a student residence that has a ping-pong table. This pleases me. It is wonderful to finally be out of the hostel, though I will miss my late night 7-Eleven donut runs with random backpackers like this guy Kiron. One of my favorite features of my new home is the tree out the front window which houses a flock of rare and elusive Mexican Fat Birds. Perhaps their diet is heavy on late night gas station sweets as well. I will get some good pictures of where I live and such soon.

I actually moved into my place the day before I started working. I am thrilled that I never had to try to teach out of a hostel. I had seven classes scheduled for the last two days, but due to vacations, some no-shows, and the complete cancellation of one of my classes, I have only had to teach three of them. I can now fully appreciate the benefits of having a salary, as I get my 9000 pesos a month regardless of how many classes I actually teach (something that doesn't happen with all schools). I am enjoying everything so far, though I can tell that all the traveling around the city is definitely going to wear on me. The early morning classes are a bit of a problem as well. Speaking of which, I must sleep, but I will try to write more and put up some good pictures in the near future.


cemeteryinparis said...

ADAM!!! i miss your funny"ness"

hope all is well south of the border...

Sarah T.

K.Neugat said...

I think I have seen that guy at a 7-11 here in Austin! He was really getting after those kruellers.... Love you adam! Viva Mexico!