Saturday, May 05, 2007

The Crazy Guy on the Roof

So there is this guy that comes out on the roof sometimes. He is generally unshaven and poorly dressed. He comes up the stairs carrying a pillow, a shiny silver box, and an umbrella attached to an old broomstick. The umbrella contraption is lashed together with a telephone cord. He puts the broomstick through one of the holes in his plastic pool chair, opens the umbrella, sits on the pillow, and pushes the chair as close to the edge of the roof as possible, putting his feet up on the raised ledge. Then he opens his shiny silver box and just stares at it, sometimes for hours. He will sit there under the protection of his umbrella through rain and the blaring sun, always staring at his silver box, and periodically shifting a few feet to the right or left with no discernible pattern. Then, without warning, he will close the silver box, gather his umbrella and pillow, and go back into his house, only to return a few hours later. You can try to talk to him, but he is so focused on the contents of the shiny silver box, that we will likely not even notice.

His name is Adam, and he now has no excuse for not posting regularly since he has discovered a wireless signal on his roof. I am flying to Austin on June 3 and then to Cali on June 6 for the summer. Don't know if the blog will survive. Maybe it will go on hiatus for a bit and perhaps return in some other incarnation when I deem my life to be interesting enough again. We shall see. Oh, and it seems likely that I will be in Austin in September if anyone feels like finding me a job. I have degrees in business and Spanish and am good at making ridiculous rooftop umbrella devices.

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