Friday, February 09, 2007

Uh, that didn't work out too well...

Big news in the Mex! I have moved, which I actually feel like is a very good thing, though the manner in which said move came about was not so good. I am a big fan of chronological order, though, so we will get to that in a bit.

Last weekend I had a student and her boyfriend over to dinner. My friend and fellow teacher, Andy, who will become important later on in this post, also stopped by. I served chicken a la Israel Beer, which is basically chicken, rice, carrots, and pineapples with a BBQ/soy/pineapple sauce. This was usually what you would be fed if you hung out at Israel's apartment enough in college, though there ramen noodles usually replaced rice. So, yeah, it really has nothing to do with either beer or the nation of Israel, but it is delicious nonetheless.

Friday night I basically stayed up until the metro opened in the morning, which is something I have been meaning to do for a long time. It helps me not grow up. On Sunday, Andy and I went to see the pyramids in nearby Teotihuacan and made it back in time to watch the Super Bowl. We moved to a sports book in the fourth quarter, lured by the "pick a team that will score this quarter and get a free beer" promotion. The Bears had the ball, so we all took the Bears... and then Rex Grossman started throwing interceptions... fun! No free beer for us.

So after my rigorous weekend of dinner parties, early morning metros, climbing pyramids, and not getting free beer, I was enjoying sleeping late on Monday (random Mexican holiday). Then I got a knock on my door, and my roommate, who has been at the beach all week, wanders in looking quite frazzled with shifty eyes and starts mumbling in Spanish about how he thinks I should move out. Interesting? Yes. So he leaves. I decide this is no reason for me to not continue to enjoy my day off, so I sleep for a bit more and then knock on his door.

I enter to see him watching television in his bed, looking like he hasn't slept in days, and notice his foot hanging off the bed in a cast. I am still not sure how that happened. Anyway, I'm a little freaked out at this point, but we talk, he says it is okay if I stay, and I tell him to just ask if he needs anything. I also mention that there is a house where teachers from the school live that may have a room opening up soon, so if I really need to leave, just tell me. So everything is fine, yes? One might think so.

The next day I don't see Alvaro in the morning because I must leave so early to get to Santa Fe. I teach all my classes, figure out a way to waste my three and a half hours of free time, and get on the bus which inexplicably happens to take over two hours to get me home on this particular night. When I walk in from my fourteen-hour day, I am greeted by Alvaro who says, "I think it would be best if you moved out." I say, "OK, well, I'll call around and see what I can do," to which he responds "Well, I want you out tomorrow. I wish I could just kick you out right now, but..." Ah, this is fun, no? So I tell him that I will call some people, and he just stands there waiting for me to call. All this time I am asking for a reason and all I am getting is "Adam, sometimes things just happen." So I call Andy, and there happens to be an extra bedroom at their apartment that nobody uses. I tell Alvaro I will be out the next day, but he still won't give me a reason.

As it would turn out, the reason was that he wanted to live with someone who would be around more and be more of a friend, something that was difficult with my job. There was no specific thing that I did and he said that he liked me as a person, but he didn't want to live with me. Fine. That is a legitimate reason for wanting a new roommate, but I have yet to find anyone who thinks that is even remotely close to a decent reason to throw someone out on about twelve hours' notice in the middle of the week after a fourteen-hour day in a foreign country. I even did a lesson based on this concept. It seems to universally boggle the mind.

I pack up some stuff, write a two minute lesson plan for my morning class, and go to sleep. I show up (late) to my class, totally unprepared to teach/deal with the world, and find that there is someone from the school there to observe my teaching. You have to be kidding me. I talked to him about my situation and he is going to come back another time, which I am very grateful for, but seriously, how is that the day that gets picked for random observation? Seriously.

When I get back, I finish packing and get in a cab to go to my new residence. Alvaro wants to have a beer sometime, but I don't really see that happening, as I am pretty sure that I don't ever want to see that guy again. I am actually quite happy about my move, but the way it happened was a little bit ridiculous. The only things I will really miss are being across the street from the grocery store and the Mexican Fat Birds. (Check out what the Fat Birds do when it gets cold. It is a crazy Fat Bird pile, except there is always one that is too awesome and hardcore for the huddle. I named him Vince.)

I will try to add some pictures to this soon (they're here!). I typed this at an Office Depot because I don't have a key yet and nobody is home. The good news is that my new place is substantially more conducive to me housing guests, so you should probably all come visit me so we can go throw bird seed in Alvaro's window and let the Fat Birds do the rest. Good times.


Anonymous said...

Feliz cumpleaƱos, Adam!!
love, cousins Cheryl, Joel, Deana, Eitan

Anonymous said...

GREENSPAN!! I somehow just discovered your blog and I will now become your cyberstalker so get excited, you crazy Mexican you. Chicken a la Israel Beer...the best kind!