Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Home and Away Again

Well, my camera is officially dead. The internet said it was probably dead, but I took it apart anyway. That didn't work, so I moved on to a 'tapping method' which had worked for some people. That didn't work either, so I moved on to the 'banging and throwing method', which I actually devised myself. That mainly just broke it enough that I could give up. So that is why there are no pictures.

This problem will likely be solved in a matter of weeks, however, as I found a direct flight from Mexico City to Austin and will be home on December 17. I may be home for as little as ten days, giving me a chance to reload and set back out.

Add my suitcase, often known as The Tank, to the list of broken things. One of the two zippers to the main compartment has broken, and The Tank appears to be slowly dying. This was the suitcase I bought for my Israel trip in high school, so I am deeply saddened by this. Yeah, I know that's stupid.

The last night in Playa was insane. At various points in the night, I had friends who were on the floor of the bar and behind the bar serving drinks. A couple of us washed some dishes, too. I don't really know how that happened. Three of us had a flight to Mexico City the next day. Only two of us made it onto the plane. Intense.

I stayed in Mexico city for a couple of nights. It was nothing like the picture in my head and was quite beautiful at times. Walking from neighborhood to neighborhood, I often felt like I had walked into a different city. Irene and I dropped off resumes at a couple of schools, including one affiliated with the school in Playa. Traveling is great, but I am finding that traveling with a specific purpose in mind can be much more exciting. Everywhere I go, I am constantly evaluating whether or not I could see myself living there for six months or more.

Now I am in Puebla, a city of about two million people. It feels nowhere near that large, and is full of colonial architecture. It is said to retain the Spanish influence more than most any other city in Mexico. It is a far cry from both the beaches of Playa and the bustle of Mexico City. It is also cold. Actually, I think I am going to stop typing and go explore. If you are going to be in Austin in a couple weeks, I will see you soon.

1 comment:

K.Neugat said...

Adam Greenspan! It sounds like you are having an amazing journey. Is the suitcase you speak of the same one that tried to escape up a mountain side in the Negev? Whoever put that there?

I miss you and hope to see you in Austin! I

am meeting with a group of Mexican media members on Tuesday. I will inquire with them to see if they know you.
