Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Tortas Galacticas y Tacos Locos

I have a new system for ordering food here. Basically, I have taken to always just ordering the menu item that sounds the most hilarious to me without reading what it is. I must recommend the Torta Galactica (pictured at breakfast with Barbara (pictured) and Caroline) over the Taco Loco. This can only end well. I have also recently discovered that 10-peso tacos are closer to my residence and are easily two and a half times better than 4-peso tacos. Someone was marveling that there was no Taco Bell. I can't imagine why anyone would ever set foot in a Taco Bell here.

I am still enjoying teaching, but I am also still so tired of being buried in nothing but this course that I still cannot stand to write about it. I will reflect on that once it is over. (Just to give you an idea of how intense this is, there have been 12 class days so far, and I have already taught seven times. It's like going to school and teaching school at the same time while writing all of your lessons from scratch somewhere in between. One of the trainees actually withdrew from the course ten minutes before a class yesterday. It is crazy. OK, I have to stop or my head will explode.) The picture is not the jungle, but rather is the courtyard at the school.

If it doesn't stop being sunny when I'm in class and then rainy during my breaks, I am going to break something.

I bought a guitar the other day for 690 pesos (less than $70 US). It is cheap, came in a big plastic bag, has several minor visible blemishes, and sounds beautiful. It is pretty much the only thing keeping me sane right now.

It would appear that I have some connections through the school that may land me a job pretty quickly. I am waiting to get more information, but there are positions available at the International House (the organization through which I am taking this course) in Monterrey and Queretaro. They want 1-year contracts, which is a bit intimidating, but there is the bonus that if you work for them for a year, it is possible to transfer to Europe. This is huge, because it is nearly impossible for Americans to work leagally in Europe. I do like the idea of being in Spain a year from now... More to come on this front.

I promise these will be more interesting at some point. That point will probably be in about two weeks when my life becomes interesting again instead of consisting solely of me getting the CELTA teaching method pounded forcefully into my cranium for twelve hours a day. Hasta luego.


Anonymous said...

Regardless of all this craziness you speak of...it sounds really fun.

And I want my own Torta Galactica!!!

Anonymous said...

every picture I have of you eating something (which I actually have a surprising amount of), you make the same odd face - a little cocked to the side, wide open mouth (and always a hot chick in the background). yeah.

que ridiculoso.

Anonymous said...

Jason is super jealous I got to talk to you. Jessica Jordan says hi.