Thursday, November 16, 2006


My course is basically over. I have taught my nine lessons and turned everything in, though I do still have class tomorrow. My drive to work right away has been steadily diminishing, and my plans tend to change from minute to minute. The plan of the moment involves staying in Playa del Carmen for about a week and then going to Guatemala for a few weeks. Then I hope to meet Goldberg, Scott, and Beth in Belize for a bit and to go to Honduras for a little while after that. I would like to travel some here in Mexico as well. Really, I want to go everywhere and see everything. That seems like a good goal. Maybe I will find a job along the way.

Teaching has been great. I feel like I just go up there and talk to my students for an hour. I don't really get nervous at all, which seems a little strange to me. For our last teaching practice, we had the option of basing our lesson on authentic material, so I found an article and did a lesson about the bat colony under the Congress Avenue bridge in Austin. The bats actually migrate from Mexico, so it was a good connection.

Planning for teaching is not so great. It takes forever and it is exhausting. The CELTA course also has a very specific way that you are supposed to write up your lesson plans, and this can be very frustrating at times. I am relieved to be done with that. I am trying to convince my friend Irene to get a CELTA tattoo. Seems like a good idea.

My favorite tacos of the moment are from the taco bus (pictured). I have no idea what the place is really called, but I would still call it the taco bus even if I did.

Tonight is the last teaching practice, so everyone will finally be done. I really want to see what everyone is like when they are not under such extreme pressure. This course just looms over you, even when you are on the beach. It's difficult to even enjoy your margarita. I am just now beginning to feel like a real person again, and many of the others have expressed the same sentiment. Rumor has it that there is actually a beach a few blocks from here, so hopefully my next post will include some pictures of la playa.


Blake said...

This is a good blog. I think I need to do a little more picture taking of the places at which I eat. There are so many good ones and new good ones pop up every day. This course seems to have been rather brief? I know plans change but, whats next? My advice, trave your ass off. Holler at an Old Texas Boy when you get a chance.

P.S. Teaching is pretty easy but I hate it. Thoughts?

K.Neugat said...

ADam!!! Can we start a band called "The Taco Bus"? I would really like that. I can play the bass, tamborine, triangle, and recorder. All at once of course. I love you!!!!
