Saturday, August 01, 2015

Still Circling

Someday I will venture off on my taco quest again. Someday.

At the moment, I've decided to work on three startups. At the same time. Which is a dumb idea. But they all kinda relate back, so we'll stick with the circle theme.

These days I spend most of my time at Everfest, trying to take over the exploding festival industry (the industry is exploding, it's not an industry of exploding festivals). There really should be a definitive authority at this point, and we're trying to take that position. We're not localized yet, but the global nature of festivals is such that we already have festivals from all over the world, well beyond our favorite Austin festivals. I will return to tacoland soon. Soon.

In my spare time, I'm also helping a friend expand Startup Games, which is one of the more ridiculous team-building/charity events you'll ever see. And then there's TacoPass, the ultimate culmination of tech and tacos. It's a hibernating bear, or bear taco perhaps, which will awaken soon. It's coming.