Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Madness, etc.

March has been a busy month. My schedule has changed a couple of more times, but I am beginning to shape it in my favor. Cable and internet didn't quite work out so I have been scrambling to find ways to watch basketball (skip to next paragraph if you don't care). I'm not all that upset that I missed the last Texas game, though. We need a new coach. We had the best player in the country, knew we only had him for one year, and had it ruined because our coach had no idea how to get him the ball. It's just a good thing I didn't watch that game on the metrobus. I think my head would have exploded.

My sister came to visit for spring break. We concluded that Mexico City is not the best spring break destination. You learn a lot by being here, and there are plenty of ways to have fun, but you don't really come here to relax in the sun and breathe fresh air. We had some good times, though, and now at least somebody else understands this whole metrobus obsession/hatred.

I did manage to make it to Acapulco this weekend for some relaxation, and the Texas loss was not so unexpected as to ruin my beach time. It was refreshing to walk around in my Texas shirt (pre-loss) and get the horns from random strangers. It was also not so refreshing to see herds of frat boys that seemed genuinely offended when a store clerk didn't understand what an ATM was. You know, you probably couldn't tell them where a cajero was if they were visiting your city... The best line of the trip came when we were standing in line for Palladium, a famous club in Acapulco. It seemed that most in the line were resigned to waiting for however long it might take to get in, but when the bouncer walked by, Andy simply asked "uh... podemos entrar?" (can we go in?) and in we went. Who knew? All you had to do was ask...